Guiding Pathways

How you can use the GuideRing.

All practices are designed to seamlessly integrate into daily life and to make the GuideRing a tool for transformation.

Our Ecosystem Icon

Our eco-system

The 3 interconnected parts of GuideRing

Connectedness Icon


Regeneration Icon


Force Fields Icon

Force Fields

Spiral Creation Icon

Spiral of Creation

Polarity Icon



Infinity Icon


Wholeness Icon


It points to the simplicity
on the other side of

Terry Patten - USA

I use it to remind me of  NONDUALITY and basic unity

Ken Wilber - USA

“ The Ring is my
access point
to life force itself “

Pamela von Sabljar - Sweden

“ It is a sacred tool revealing the life cycles
of living things "

Eli Buren - USA

" It has a curious mix of grounded yet fluid and mysterious presence "

Adam Barley - UK

“ It is transcendental
at it’s core - a guide
into the unknown “

Lars Borgmann - Denmark

CORE MODES - general purpose



LifeForce Resonator

Creative Spiral

Lens Integrator

Infinity Portal

MINI RITUALS - specific purpose

Goodness, Truth and Beauty

Memento Mori

Wisdom to Go

Polarity in motion

Center, ReSource, Unfold

Advise from your future SELF